Health Benefits of Crab:
Crab is an excellent addition to a healthy eating plan. It is low in calories with only around 85-90 per 100g (depending on crab type). It does contain some fat, but it is generally unsaturated fat which is considered heart healthy. Crab is also a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help to improve memory, decrease the chances of having a heart attack, decrease risk of cancer, and possibly help to improve depression and anxiety.
Crab is a low risk seafood for mercury. Many fish, particularly at the higher end of the food chain, contain dangerous amounts of mercury and are not recommended as frequently eaten foods. Crab contains many of the benefits of other seafood, but without the risk of mercury poisoning.
Crab is also a good source of vitamins A, C and the B vitamins including B12, and minerals like zinc and copper. It is a source of selenium, which may be a means of preventing cancer. Crab also has some chromium, which is considered a useful mineral if you have insulin resistance, as it may improve blood sugar metabolism. .